Titles VI & VII
Empower Upper Cumberland (c/o UCHRA) is an Equal Opportunity employer. No person is unlawfully excluded from consideration for employment because of age (40 or older), race, color, national origin, ancestry, (including gender identity, orientation, and pregnancy), disability, or genetic information in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services or activities. The Human Resources Department does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.
Our policy states employment and criminal background screenings, consumer reports, and drug testing may be required subsequent to a job offer made.
The following individual has been designated to handle questions, concerns, complaints, requests for accommodation, or requests for additional information regarding Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the Americans with Disability Act:
Tammy Kulpa, Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
1104 England Dr.; Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: (931) 476-4111
Email: tkulpa@ucdd.com
An Equal Opportunity Employer/Programs | Auxiliary Aids/Services Available Upon Request to Individuals with Disabilities
Español: Si usted no haba inglés y necesita asistencia auditiva o visual, por favor marque al Teléfono 931-432-4111 sin costo alguno.