Upper Cumberland County Dashboards
The data found here represents a snapshot of where we are as we realize our goal of helping children and families prosper.
To view data for a specific county, please select the county from the left column below:
- 13.3% of people in Cannon County live in poverty
- 18.3% of children in Cannon County live in poverty
- 24.8% of people in Woodbury live in poverty
- 11.1% of Cannon County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 41.9% of Woodbury families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 21% of people in Clay County live in poverty
- 30.1% of children in Clay County live in poverty
- 37.1 of people in Celina live in poverty
- 19.3% of Clay County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 41.6% of Celina families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 12% of people in Cumberland County live in poverty
- 20.5% of children in Cumberland County live in poverty
- 20.8% of people in Crossville live in poverty
- 9.8% of Cumberland County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 28.1% of Crossville families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 17.5% of people in DeKalb County live in poverty
- 22.5% of children in DeKalb County live in poverty
- 32.7% of people in Smithville live in poverty
- 14.4% of DeKalb County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 37.6% of Smithville families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 19.4% of people in Fentress County live in poverty
- 24.4% of children in Fentress County live in poverty
- 37.9% of people in Jamestown live in poverty
- 16.1% of Fentress County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 45.7% of Jamestown families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.8% of people in Jackson County live in poverty
- 24.7% of children in Jackson County live in poverty
- 25.5% of people in Gainesboro live in poverty
- 14% of Jackson County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 20.6% of Gainesboro families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.7% of people in Macon County live in poverty
- 23% of children in Macon County live in poverty
- 24.5% of people in Lafayette live in poverty
- 14.3% of Macon County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 44.6% of Lafayette families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.3% of people in Overton County live in poverty
- 22.9% of children in Overton County live in poverty
- 19.4% of people in Livingston live in poverty
- 12.5% of Overton County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 18.3% of Livingston families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.5% of people in Pickett County live in poverty
- 23.9% of children in Pickett County live in poverty
- 27.7% of people in Byrdstown live in poverty
- 18% of Pickett County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 39.1% of Byrdstown families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 17% of people in Putnam County live in poverty
- 22.9% of children in Putnam County live in poverty
- 25.1% of people in Cookeville live in poverty
- 11.9% of Putnam County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 18.7% of Cookeville families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 11.7% of people in Smith County live in poverty
- 16.1% of children in Smith County live in poverty
- 17.7% of people in Carthage live in poverty
- 12.2% of Smith County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.9% of Carthage families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.1% of people in Van Buren County live in poverty
- 26.1% of children in Van Buren County live in poverty
- 17.8% of people in Spencer live in poverty
- 9% of Van Buren County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 20.8% of Spencer families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 16.5% of people in Warren County live in poverty
- 22.8% of children in Warren County live in poverty
- 31.6% of people in McMinnville live in poverty
- 16.3% of Warren County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
- 44.5% of McMinnville families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
13.8% of people in White County live in poverty
19.4% of children in White County live in poverty
13.5% of people in Sparta live in poverty
11.2% of White County families with children under 18 live below the poverty line
10.2% of Sparta families with children under 18 live below the poverty line